Buying a Used Coffee Machine For Sale
The cost of a used coffee machine for sale can be quite prohibitive, especially for someone who is just starting out in the world of home baristas. However, with the right shopping strategy, it is possible to score a top of the line machine for much less than you might expect. One of the most common methods for doing so is by purchasing a used AKA refurbished coffee machine. The good news is that unlike a lot of other appliances, coffee machines tend to have a fairly long shelf-life and therefore degrade relatively slowly with regular use. Additionally, as a result of these facts, buying a refurbished coffee machine is relatively low risk if you know what to look for.
Elevate Your Coffee Service: Choosing the Perfect 3-Group Espresso Machine for Your Business
The first thing to look at is who refurbished the machine. This is particularly important if it was done by the manufacturer themselves, as they will usually attach a warranty to their products, and this confers a certain level of confidence. On the other hand, if it was done by Joe Blow then the warranty may be less comprehensive.
Some good examples of refurbished espresso machines to watch out for include the Rancilio Silvia, which can be picked up for around PS400 used. Lelit Anna machines are also worth keeping an eye out for – particularly the PL41TEM model, which can be found used for around PS300. These machines are heat exchangers that can dispense latte, cappuccino, macchiato and more at the touch of a button.